Technology Resolution in Annual Meeting
The Church Council put forth the following resolution to the congregation for discussion and vote during the annual meeting on Sunday, January 29, 2017: 
Resolution to the Congregation

Total Installation Costs:
   Lowest Bid (from Travis Sound Design, Delavan, WI) $18,635
   Computer and other associated costs $1,365
   Total Anticipated cost $20,000

We also anticipate up to $2,600 a year to be placed in the annual budget to prepare service for the added technology. We would likely seek a qualified individual to work up to five hours a week at $10 per hour (or otherwise negotiated) to prepare the weekly presentation.

How will this be paid for:
   10% of Installation costs from 2017 budget $2,000
   90% of Installation costs from a special campaign $18,000
   Annual cost to be placed in future budgets (including 2017) $2,600 per year
   ***Note: hourly rate and authorized hours can be changed by future Councils***

Be it resolved:
We, the congregation of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, agree to allow the Council to move forward with this technology plan. The contract will be signed once we’ve received the money and/or pledges that meet or exceed the $18,000 special campaign.

Congregational Vote
Yes: 28 votes
No: 8 votes